Monday 14 January 2019

Happy New Year

Happy New Year 2019
  I am now back to start keeping up with my Blog. The end of last summer was so busy with our move to Nova Scotia. Getting settled, just so much going on.I am so excited to get back into writing in my blog. There has been so many stories. I look forward to catching up a bit from last fall and also talk about the wonderful new things going on.
I am loving life in Nova Scotia. I am now a Senior Star with Young Living. Oh how I love to share the oils.I have seen several new families start with the oils and absolutely love them. Tonight on my way home the sun was setting. I drove down to the water to catch the sunset. What an amazing sunset it was. So Breathtaking.

Saturday 11 August 2018

Reached my Goal for July

So excited to receive this email yesterday. WOW!! I did it I reached my top 5!!! How exciting!! I did it !!! I did it!! I was so surprised as I did not think I had made it. I just love to share with other and I am so excited that my team is growing.
 This month I am so busy packing as we are moving to Nova Scotia in 3 weeks. My TOP goal is to reach the next level !! I am just focused on planting seeds and growing and sharing!!
If you would like any samples please send me an email at or leave a comment and I will contact you.
I just feel SO BLESSED!!!!!!
I am too blessed to be stressed LOL with all this packing.. ha ha ha

Sunday 5 August 2018

40 days

 40 Days and 40 Nights

Hello everyone. Here is me being fully transparent and honest. We have wanted our home to sell in Calgary for the last couple of years. I just felt like it was time to go home. God has had a different plan for us. It was not in our timing it was in his timing. I really felt like last year was the year.
Nope, it was not the year so we spent another winter in Calgary. We listed our home at the end of May of this year.  I continued to pray for our home to sell. I wanted to be obedient to God and so I gave it all over to him.  July 1st I found a wonderful Church my son had talked about and really liked attending. I thought well I will give this church a go. I went to church which happened to be July 1st Canada day. I also learned they were doing 10 weeks on the 10 commandments.  I also went up for prayer after the service. I asked for prayer for our home to sell if it was Gods Will. On July 22 we had accepted an offer on our home here in Calgary. Paperwork was signed on July 22nd so we had a conditional sale that it would be confirmed and final sale on Aug 1, our closing date would be Aug31 and we would leave for NS that day. Well, I thought I would count how many days were left until the big move. 40 Days and 40 Nights until the MOVE!!  oh my I had to recount again.. I think I have recounted those days several times LOL. I could not believe my eyes. I KNOW this is GOD ordained and it is GODS will for our move. I decided to start keeping a journal for these 40 days!! The blessings I can look back on so far and today is only day 14. I know this is all GOD inspired. Amen Praise be to God!!
My Beautiful Journal and my Wonderful Devotional Book. The writing on the front of this journal when I saw it. I knew it was meant to be. I am so excited to move to Nova Scotia to build relationships and just live out God's plan for our life.
What makes me so excited is that I will be able to share these awesome pure essential oils. I just have so much to share. I am so excited on this journey that God has me on. My relationship is stronger than ever with him. It was by no mistake that I was introduced to these oils back in November 2018.

Friday 3 August 2018

Surprise !! Secret Compartment

My Sister Marsha sent me a message that her Young Living Starter Kit had arrived. First oil she started diffusing was peppermint. I am so excited that she received it so quickly in the mail. I was talking to her tonight on FB messenger about how to use her starter kit. I mentioned that she could use her rollerball cover for one of the oils of her choice. She said that she did not have a roller ball cover in her kit. I told her to check under her oils. She said there was nothing under her oils. So while we were on video chat she got her kit out and lifted up her oils. She was SO excited when she lifted up the cardboard over the hidden compartment. Oh, she was so excited. She sounded like it was like Christmas day. She was so surprised there were so many more items in that secret compartment. It so made my day, so see and hear her excitement. She said she had no idea.
 The cardboard that was hiding the secret compartment. See the excitement on her face!! LOLOL
She was just SO surprised.

I told her to put her 2 samples in Ningxia in the fridge to try out in the morning. She still cannot believe there was a secret compartment with so many more goodies.
The picture is a bit blurry, of her Peace and Calming oil. Which was a $57 free oil she received for becoming a member. Young Living is so good to their families.

Sunday 22 July 2018

Loving on others through the Mail

So I have made up the samples today to send out in the mail to loved ones who would like to try out these awesome oils. I am just so excited to share with others. Took me a few hours this afternoon however so worth the time and effort. When I reached the Post Office I was in for a shock!! LOLOL  Lesson learned I will package the oils different going forward. Cost a small fortune but again I want to share. Once the oils have started loving on the recipients I am sure I will hear back from them all. 

 Pain be gone!! This is an awesome blend of Oils to support your body if you are having pain.
Apply by rolling over an area you are having pain.
 I made this blend of oils up for myself also and I call it " Pure Magic" with the Endoflex and the Phylo Progressence Plus. ( PPP) My moods are so much better and I just feel great when I use this blend.
 Allergy Relief.
 I made this blend called "Calming" with Bergamot , Sacred Frank and V6 Oil. The Benefits are amazing. The name says it all. A very relaxing blend.

 I love sending Gifts!!! I thought I would see how these packages would go over. The post charges half your leg to send a package like this though. SO these ones in future I will gladly hand out in person. They are a very nice little treat for others who have never tried the oils before. A nice little booklet to explain how to use the oils and what they can be used for.
 Happiness in a bottle. One of my favorite oils. I have had days I was feeling down. I put a drop of this oil on the palm of my hands and rubbed them together. Cupped my hands together and took in 3 deep breaths. Just like the instant change in mood. Just incredible.

 Headache Melt -  Ahhhhh pure relief from that nasty head ache.
 Peppermint  ( cooling, stress reliever, headaches,  arthritis)  and Copaiba ( relaxation, Breathing, and pain relief). These two oils are so supportive of our bodies.  This list is endless for how these oils support.
 Citrus Fresh stimulates the right brain to amplify creativity and well- being, Eradicates Anxiety and works well as an air purifier.
 Some of the many books I have been reading and the packages ready to mail out. All packages have been mailed. :)
I do have a few more to make and mail out in the morning. Its been a productive afternoon.
The aftermath of my creativity this afternoon. I am on a high LOL of awesomeness after making all these samples and preparing them to mail out. Makes my heart happy!!! 

Saturday 21 July 2018


I am up for this challenge. My Goal for the month of July is to help 5 families or more.
I want to share, share, share. These oils are too awesome to hold in. I want to share my stories of how the oils are changing my life. I have already started planting my seeds. I continue to water my seeds and I look forward to when they sprout. I have faith that I will have an abundance of seeds start to grow and take root.

Here we are on July 21... I have only signed up one member. However, I continue to share the oils that I love so much. I am planting seeds. I just want to help others. I am still believing.

3rd Time is the Charm

3rd Time is the Charm 

2 other awesome members tried to have Stephanie sign up. Even invited her to a workshop and just a few days after the workshop she purchased a first aid kit from Saje.
Well in March I started working with her again at Bayshore in the office. We were reunited once again. I started having my oils LOVE on her. Orange oil for happiness. Then she wanted something for Stress. I had stress away on hand. I gave her samples. She started diffusing it and it was relaxing her and helping her to fall asleep. The next oil she had no idea that she would have a love affair with was ENDOFLEX. I let her smell it and oh yuck she could not stand the smell. I told her it is because she needs it. I have been told by my loving young living support upline that if you do not like the smell its because you need it. That has held true each and every time. The next oil she fell in love with was WINTERGREEN!! Well, that girl feels like she is in heaven. I had never heard that wintergreen would and could do this but it puts her fast to sleep. So each month since March, she would order an oil she loves.
Well after the international convention, young living came out with all these awesome new products. I ordered the new lantern diffuser right away for my June order. Stephanie fell in love with it. I turned it on in the office and SOLD!! She wanted one. She made up her list of all the products she wanted. 
I went home that night thinking oh that would just be awesome for my order for JULY!! However, hold on a moment. It's one thing to add some oils to my orders each month. Once someone wants more and more products it really is time they were a member and they could also enjoy the benefits.  So the next day I proposed this to her to really sign up and become a member so she could order her own products and get the promos also.
SO I am excited , so excited to introduce Stephanie to my team!! WHOOT WHOOT!!!!!!

Stress Away™ is the first product to contain the unique stress-relieving combination of Lime and Cedarwood, YLTG essential oils. With an aroma that is the perfect blend of tropical and citrus, Stress Away is uniquely relaxing and comforting. This natural solution was created to combat normal stresses that creep into everyday life, making it the perfect addition to your purse, car, or office.
This soothing fragrance also includes lavender to reduce mental rigidity and restore equilibrium. Featuring powerful plant constituents, such as the cedrol found in Cedarwood, Stress Away can help induce relaxation and reduce occasional nervous tension. All of these ingredients are expertly blended with the exotic scent of Ocotea, Young Living’s exclusive Ecuador single. Ease your day and use this exclusive oil to combat irritation and exhaustion throughout the day or to unwind before bed.
In Aromatherapy, Stress Away can be inhaled:
  • As a nervine and calmative, enhancing relaxation

  • Product Tips:

    • Diffuse a few drops of Stress Away and Peppermint essential oils to unwind and uplift after a stressful day.
    • Combine Stress Away and Lavender essential oils and diffuse before bed to promote a relaxing and restful evening.
    • Treat yourself to a soothing soak when you combine Stress Away, Epsom salts, and a warm bath.
    • Use your favorite essential oil usage technique with Stress Away and give yourself a 10-minute “time out” to wind down and refocus.
    • Add a few drops to Lime Essential Oil while diffusing to enhance the presence of the Lime aroma already found in this wonderfully relaxing blend.

Through a combination of essential oils, Endoflex promotes a sense of well-being.

How to Use

Diffuse, inhale directly, or dilute with V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex and apply topically.


A base of sesame seed oil, spearmint (Mentha spicata), sage (Salvia officinalis), geranium (Pelargonium graveolens), myrtle (Myrtus communis), nutmeg (Myristica fragrans), and German chamomile (Matriciaria recutita).

Wintergreen is an uplifting essential oil with a refreshing minty aroma. When diffused, this multi-tasking oil encourages a positive ‘let’s do this’ attitude with its energizing scent. It’s the perfect way to start the day, providing a welcome boost before an early morning run or important presentation.
While Wintergreen’s aroma is refreshing, it has warming qualities that make it an ideal choice to help relieve backache, as well as joint and muscle pain associated with sprains, strains, or rheumatoid arthritis. An ideal companion for those who enjoy an active lifestyle, Wintergreen is a wonderful addition to your gym bag to use during or following a workout. It’s a wonderful oil to keep handy in your desk drawer as an instant pick-me-up to beat that 3 o’clock slump. With an intoxicating fragrance, Wintergreen offers renewed vitality to face whatever the day may bring.
Wintergreen can be used topically:
  • To help relieve joint or muscle pain associated with sprains, strains and arthritis
  • To relieve the physical stresses of the day, including backache or lumbago

Product Tips:

  • Use the AromaGlide Roller Fitment with this essential oil and pop it in your gym bag for soothing relief post-workout.
  • Apply it to your wrist and enjoy the stimulating minty scent when you need an instant pick-me-up at the office or school before a big presentation.
  • Enhance a massage by adding a few drops of Wintergreen to V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex. Apply to your neck or back and release the physical stresses of the day.
  • Add it to your favourite body lotion and apply to tired muscles after activity.
  • Enjoy the soothing, warming effect on achy joints or a stiff back following gardening or yardwork.
  • Pamper tired feet with a refreshing blend of Wintergreen and your favourite foot cream.
  • When your body is telling you it needs the VIP treatment, slip into a relaxing bath and add a few drops of Wintergreen to your bath water.

How to Use

Topical: Mix 3-6 drops of essential oil with 1 ml of carrier oil and apply thinly and evenly to affected area up to 3-4 times per day. Rub and/or massage into skin until solution vanishes. If a larger quantity is desired, maintain a ratio of 3 – 6 drops of essential oil to 1 ml of carrier oil.
Aromatic: Diffuse up to 10 minutes 3 times daily.
Caution: Keep out of reach of children. If overdose or accidental ingestion occurs, call a Poison Control Center immediately. If symptoms persist and/or worsen after 7 days or re-occur with a few days, discontinue use and consult a health care practitioner. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking anticoagulant medications or other medication, or have a medical condition, consult a health care practitioner prior to use.
Storage: Keep in a cool, dark place.
Be sure to follow label instructions. Click here to view Wintergreen label.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year 2019   I am now back to start keeping up with my Blog. The end of last summer was so busy with our move to Nova Scotia. Ge...